Climate Disclosures
We strive to reduce the emissions intensity of our businesses and improve their resilience to climate change.
We recognise climate change is a material risk to our businesses and work in a disciplined way to manage our exposures to climate change, invest in opportunities and support the global goal of transitioning to a low-emissions economy.
Our businesses have long been managed with climate-related (including carbon) awareness, with a focus on reducing operational (or Scope 1 and Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions. Wesfarmers is acting by implementing strategies to further embed climate-related considerations into our strategic planning processes and continuing to invest in decarbonisation initiatives.
Since 2018, we have structured our climate disclosures using the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), under the four reporting pillars of governance, strategy, risk and opportunities, and metrics and targets. Our disclosures have evolved as our response to climate change has matured, including as we developed action plans and integrated the management of climate-related risks into our businesses.
Further information is available in our climate-related disclosures in our 2024 Annual Report.
We strive to reduce the emissions intensity of our businesses and improve their resilience to climate change.
Our targets and progress
With the different emissions profiles of our diverse businesses, appropriate and ambitious targets have been set for each division or business. These targets are consistent with our desire to support global efforts to transition to a low-emissions economy
GRI 3-3, GRI 302-1, GRI 302-3, GRI 305-1, GRI 305-2, GRI 305-3, GRI 305-4, GRI 305-5 GRI 2-27