Industrial and Safety - Waste and packaging
The Industrial and Safety division strives to reduce waste to landfill where possible — via packaging improvements, more conscious use of available resources, and increased focus on initiatives that promote greater reusability and recycling. The division is committed to the Australian Packaging Covenant (APC) targets or industry equivalents.
Packaging improvements
Blackwoods continues to make progress towards meeting its sustainability targets and adhering to Australian Packaging Covenant (APCO) guidelines by taking a more concerted, data-driven approach to packaging. The business unit has developed a preferred packaging materials list and user-friendly data collection process that promote transparency and compliance. The tools also capture valuable insights that enable more informed decision-making about sustainable packaging solutions and help identify areas for sustainability improvements.
Since 2020, Blackwoods has undertaken several packaging waste reduction initiatives in relation to its exclusive brand Workhorse, with 85 per cent of Workhorse packaging now recyclable. Workwear Group has advanced its progress towards meeting its sustainable packaging targets through the roll-out of its Product Packaging Standard and Procedure. This initiative includes introducing joker tags onto industrial lowers, transitioning to a paper string attachment for swing tags on NNT Corporate Wear, a paper-based sizing sticker, and on-product marketing with icons advising correct packaging disposal. Workwear Group is also starting to phase out the use of plastic kimbles in favour of jute twine and paper or cotton string on 67 per cent of products and starting to transition to recycled garment polybags.
Minimising waste
NZ Safety Blackwoods established a target of 80 per cent waste diversion by FY30. This year, it successfully diverted 50.1 per cent from land fill. It achieved this through a waste audit and education of managers.
Recognising diversion initiatives have not progressed as planned, Blackwoods and Workwear Group are reviewing targets and strengthening action plans for FY25.
Workwear Group has commenced a review of waste data to identify the cause of the increase to overall waste year-on-year. Large-scale clean-outs from two warehouses contributed to the increase of waste to landfill in FY24. Cardboard recycling also increased. The business unit will strengthen action plans in FY25 with an aim to decrease overall waste including identifying solutions to reduce cardboard recycling requirements, and increase recycling efforts of waste currently entering landfill.
Coregas are progressing trials phase out single selective use cylinders, trialling new biodegradable tamper seals on pin index medical gas cylinders and biodegradable dust caps for industrial gas cylinders. It has also continued to dispose of and recycle cylinders at end-of-life through third-party providers.
Bullivants commenced an internal project to reduce the microns of the stretch wrap used in operations to minimise plastic waste.