Bunnings - Human rights
Bunnings is committed to working in multi-stakeholder partnerships to empower workers and safeguard human rights across its operations and global supply chains.
Bunnings’ Ethical Sourcing
Program respects human rights throughout its global supply chains and is based
on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Bunnings
works to uphold human rights through clear expectations in supplier trading
terms, monitoring working conditions of high-risk supply chains via supplier
assessments, third-party audits, remediation activities and worker voice
During the 2024 financial
year, Bunnings conducted 1,170 pre-qualification risk assessments of direct
suppliers and indirect manufacturers and completed more than 590 independent
third-party audits throughout the supply chain. In response to these
activities, Bunnings supported over 300 manufacturing sites to remediate more
than 1,840 identified non-conformances, which improved working conditions for
more than 85,100 workers in 20 countries.
Bunnings continued to expand
the ‘Your Voice’ program which allows factory workers to share their
experiences through two confidential mechanisms, a helpline, and a call-back
Bunnings partnered with 23
direct suppliers to expand the ‘Your Voice, Worker Helpline’ service to an additional 122 indirect manufacturing
sites in China. Across the network, the Helpline service is live in 388 sites,
providing more than 77,000 workers with a secure and confidential channel to
raise concerns about pay or working conditions. Throughout the year, there were
21 contacts to the helpline, the majority of these (57 per cent) were
considered general queries, such as feedback about worker accommodation.
In addition, Bunnings
continued to proactively engage workers in the supply chain through voluntary
phone interviews, called the ‘Your Voice, Worker Call-Back' service. This
service enables workers to have a confidential conversation with third-party
auditors. Workers are able to provide feedback and raise concerns about their
living or working conditions in a private setting and in their native language.
The service was expanded to four factories during the year and more than 30 workers
were interviewed, with no critical incidents identified.
In the coming year, Bunnings
will continue to strengthen and expand its Ethical Sourcing Program to support
its long-term objective of upholding human rights due diligence across the supply