Wesfarmers OneDigital - Ethical sourcing
OneDigital is continuing on its ethical sourcing journey and is committed to working with its suppliers in accordance with international human rights obligations and in compliance with laws.
During the year, the division's efforts concentrated on reinforcing ethical sourcing controls and program monitoring activities with a focus on high-risk, own-brand suppliers. Factories involved in producing Catch own-brand merchandise continued to be managed under the Catch Factory Management Program.
Achievements during the year included:
- Reinforcing the application of key processes and frameworks to marketplace sellers, to support the continued focus on scaling the Catch marketplace. This included updates to the OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Code (‘Code’), Catch marketplace agreements and supplier agreements to reinforce the application of the Code, and provide additional rights to Catch in cases of non-compliance.
- OneDigital undertook a review of the ethical sourcing risk rating and controls applicable to Catch marketplace sellers. The Ethical Sourcing risk rating was upgraded to acknowledge the elevated level of ethical sourcing risk posed by marketplace sellers and recognises that a greater level of control needs to be applied across all sellers.
- 269 team members completed ethical sourcing and modern slavery online training. The training explained modern slavery and ethical sourcing risks and how the OneDigital Ethical Sourcing Program works to mitigate those risks.