Debt overview

Long Term Credit Rating
Long term credit rating (Current)Standard & Poor'sA- (Stable outlook)
 Moody'sA3 (Stable outlook)
Gross debt (reported - inclusive of fair value adjustments) (A$m)4,756
Cash at bank and on deposit (A$m)371
Gross debt less cash at bank and on deposit (A$m)4,385
 Net Financial Debt / (Cash)* (A$m)4,258
Other Finance Costs (includes non-interest expenses but excludes capitalised interest) (A$m)166


* Interest-bearing liabilities less cash at bank and on deposit and held in joint operation, net of cross-currency interest rate swaps and interest rate swap contracts.  Excludes lease liabilities.


Debt maturity profile at 30 June 2024

Debt Maturity profile

Debt capital market geographical diversity at 30 June 2024

Debt geo map