Wesfarmers 2024 Annual General Meeting

Thursday. 31 October at 1:00pm (Perth time)

The Wesfarmers Limited 2024 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Mounts Bay Road, Perth, Western Australia on Thursday 31 October 2024 at 1:00pm (Perth time).

Shareholders and proxyholders may attend the AGM either in person or online via a live webcast of the meeting through the Lumi AGM online platform. Please refer to the Important Information section of the 2024 Wesfarmers Notice of Meeting and the User Guide below for further details.

Shareholders and proxyholders who do not wish to attend the AGM in person or online can dial into a teleconference to listen to the live broadcast of the meeting by dialling (+61 3) 4159 8001 but will not be able to ask questions or vote during the AGM.

If it becomes necessary or appropriate to make alternative arrangements for the holding of the AGM, Wesfarmers will ensure that shareholders are given as much notice as possible via information lodged with the ASX and made available at www.wesfarmers.com.au.

Shareholders may submit their voting instructions from Friday 27 September 2024 via www.investorvote.com.au before the AGM. Voting instructions in the lead up to the AGM must be received by Computershare by 1:00pm (Perth time) on Tuesday 29 October 2024.

Important Information

Attending the AGM in person

Wesfarmers will be exhibiting some of the Wesfarmers Group’s products and services prior to the AGM, commencing at 11:00am (Perth time). Further details are included in an invitation that has been provided to shareholders. If you would like to attend the AGM in person, please complete the invitation and return it, or register online at www.wesfarmers.com.au/agm.

Wesfarmers will provide a limited number of complimentary gift bags containing a selection of products from across the Group’s businesses. Gift bags will be available to shareholders and proxyholders attending the AGM in person. At registration, shareholders and proxyholders will be given a gift bag coupon which they can redeem upon entry to the exhibition space. Gift bags are limited to one per holder irrespective of the number of shareholdings or number of shares held. For example, a shareholding in joint names will be entitled to one gift bag coupon.

How to vote and ask questions in person

Shareholders will have a reasonable opportunity to ask questions at the meeting. Instructions on how shareholders and proxyholders can vote and ask questions in person will be provided at the AGM. 

Attending the AGM online

Shareholders and proxyholders can attend the AGM virtually via the Lumi AGM online platform by using a computer, tablet or smartphone. Attending the AGM online enables shareholders and proxyholders to view the AGM live, ask questions and cast their votes during the meeting.

To attend the AGM online please visit https://web.lumiconnect.com and then enter the meeting ID set out below or visit https://web.lumiconnect.com/324415374 on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Online registration will open at 12:00pm (Perth time) on Thursday 31 October 2024 (one hour before the AGM is scheduled to commence). Wesfarmers recommends that participants register at least 15 minutes before the AGM is scheduled to commence.

The meeting ID for the Wesfarmers AGM is 324-415-374

Shareholder login details:
You will need the following details to log in:

  1. your Shareholder Reference Number (SRN) / Holder Identification Number (HIN); and
  2. the postcode registered on your holding if you are an Australian shareholder. Overseas shareholders should refer to the User Guide.

Proxyholder login details: Proxyholders will need to contact Computershare on (+61 3) 9415 4024 to obtain their login details to participate online during the AGM.

How to vote online

Before the AGM

From Friday 27 September 2024 until 1:00pm (Perth time) on Tuesday 29 October 2024, shareholders can lodge a direct vote or appoint a proxy online at www.investorvote.com.au or www.intermediaryonline.com for custodians and nominees.

At the AGM

Shareholders and proxyholders can cast their votes during the AGM by logging into https://web.lumiconnect.com using a computer, tablet or smartphone as described above.

How to ask questions online

Before the AGM

Please submit questions by 1:00pm (Perth time) on Tuesday 29 October 2024 to allow Wesfarmers time to respond during the AGM. Shareholders and proxy holders can lodge a question: 

  • Online at www.investorvote.com.au using the Shareholder Question icon at the end of the voting process.
  • By calling the share registry on 1300 558 062 (within Australia) or (+61 3) 9415 4631 (outside Australia).
  • By fax at 1800 783 447 (within Australia) or (+61 3) 9473 2555 (outside Australia).

At the AGM

Shareholders and proxyholders can log into https://web.lumiconnect.com using a computer, tablet or smartphone as described above.

Technical difficulties       

While testing and contingency plans are in place, it is possible that technical difficulties or other unforeseen circumstances may arise during the course of the AGM which may impact shareholders and proxyholders participating in the AGM through the Lumi AGM online platform. The Chairman has discretion as to whether and how the AGM should proceed in the event that a technical difficulty arises. In exercising this discretion, the Chairman will have regard to the number of shareholders impacted and the extent to which participation in the business of the AGM is affected. Where the Chairman considers it appropriate, the Chairman may continue to hold the AGM and transact business, including conducting a poll and voting in accordance with valid proxy instructions.

For this reason, shareholders are encouraged to submit their voting instructions as soon as possible after the platform opens on Friday 27 September 2024 via www.investorvote.com.au before the AGM. Voting instructions in the lead up to the AGM must be received by Computershare by 1:00pm (Perth time) on Tuesday 29 October 2024.

Need help?

If you have trouble logging into the AGM using the Lumi AGM online platform, please contact Lumi on (+61 2) 8075 0100.

If you cannot locate your SRN or HIN, you can find your SRN or HIN on any paper copy statement sent to you in relation to your Wesfarmers shareholding, or if you have created an account on Investor Centre, by logging in to access your details at www-au.computershare.com/Investor. Please note for security reasons Computershare is not able to provide you with your SRN/HIN over the telephone.

Please refer to the User Guide here.

Listening via teleconference

Shareholders and proxyholders who do not wish to participate in the AGM in person or online can dial into a teleconference to listen to the live broadcast of the meeting by dialling (+61 3) 4159 8001. Please note that shareholders and proxyholders listening by teleconference will not be able to ask questions or vote during the AGM.